Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to earn money through youtube ?

YouTube is a video sharing website, where everyone uploads , shares and views the videos. YouTube is one of the ways to earn money online. The only investment required to start this is Camera for recording and Software for editing videos.

Below are steps to create a YouTube account:
1. Create a account on YouTube
2. Start uploading your videos on YouTube
3. Create creative videos with your ideas, which will be interesting to people
4. You should not upload the copied videos from anywhere else, they should be unique and recorded by you
5. While uploading the videos, you need to categorize them and upload into different YouTube channels, e.g. business, health, entertainment etc.
6. There are many people who are earning 7 to 10 digits income from the YouTube videos

Below are few ways to start earning from YouTube videos:
1. YouTube partnering program:
This is the first method on which you partner with YouTube to earn money from your videos. You can check the terms and conditions from YouTube partner program online, which are country specific. Once people start to view your videos, YouTube starts posting advertisements on your videos, if the advertisements are viewed or clicked by users, you and YouTube get paid from the advertisers

a. Earn from Video Views:
YouTube partners can make $2 to $5 per 100 video views. The rate paid by YouTube depends on how popular your videos have become on the online channels. If your videos start becoming popular and you have more than million views, you can earn more than $2000+ on that videos.

b. People Subscribing to Your Channels:
If you keep creating creative content and uploading to the YouTube channels, you might attract people to subscribe to your videos. YouTube partner program will start paying you $0.05 for one subscriber. In this way if increasing popularity, gets you 10000 subscribers, you can get paid $500 + money.

c. Your YouTube Channel Views:
YouTube partnership program will provide you $0.01 per channel view and if your channel, which includes all videos gets 100000 views then you can get $1000 + money

2. Showing Direct Advertisements on your videos:
If you keep creating creative videos and uploading to your YouTube channel, you can become famous on YouTube, which will attract direct advertisers to you. Or you can directly approach advertising companies for showing advertisements on your YouTube videos.

3. You can advertise your own services or products:
If you are into business or services, you can show advertisements for your own business. This will help to promote your own business online.

There are several people there outside who are earning, $1000 + per month. If you are creative and if you can convert your hobbies into videos which can be uploaded to the YouTube channel, you too can definitely start earning $1000 + money online.

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