Thursday, November 5, 2015

Create a folder with name "CON" in Microsoft Windows

There are bunch of such names for which you will not be able to create the folder names. As the Microsoft Operating System has reserved few names for the system, which cannot be used for any of the new folders created.

Try renaming a new folder on your desktop to "CON", it will by default turn back to New Folder.

Below is the list of names which cannot used to rename any of the new folder. 

COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, & LPT9

You cannot create the folder directly using the Windows Explorer. But there is a option to create such folders or delete such folders using command prompt :

Creating the folder:

md \\.\\$path
e.g. prompt>md \\.\\C:\con

This will create a folder named "con" on your "C Drive"

Deleting the folder:

rd/s \\.\\$path
e.g. prompt>rd/s \\.\\C:\con

This will remove the folder named "con"!

rd(Remove Directory) command is used with "/s" switch as otherwise it would give error that "folder is not empty"!

On another hand...if you ever wondered how to create a folder with no name...then try this:

Create a New Folder from Windows Explorer
Select rename & type: "ALT+255"(Use Numpad)
ALT+255 stands for blank character in ASCII

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