Thursday, November 26, 2015

9 ways to earn money in your Free time

1. Create your own products :
Creating your own product in your free time is a great way to earn extra money. And who knows that extra might become your full time income. To give you an example on this, on of my friend did s short term course on how to create chocolates at home. Then he actually started creating and selling the chocolates on streets. In past 3 years, he has grown his business in good amounts, i.e., he has his own branded 3 chocolate shops and growing more.

2. Work as an Advisor:
If you have a specific knowlegde, in which you are expert, then you can start working as an Advisor to different companies. E.g. There are many companies which hire financial, technical advisors. Which are well paid for the advise they provide with the knowledge they bring in the company.

3. Write Online Articles :
If you are familiar with the subject on which you can write, you can spend 3-5 hours a week to write 2-3 articles per week. For this, you need to write it with great interest and passion. There are various platforms, where you can write articles and earn money. Some of them are Squidoo, Hubpages etc.

4. Create your own blog or website:
You can set-up your own blog or website, if you are ready to spend some money to maintain it anually. On this blog, you can write any posts or articles of your interest. As compared to writing articles on others websites is different from wrtiting articles on your own website or blog, as here you are the only one for everything i.e., from bringing ideas, to writing content, maintaining website and everything releated to it.
Her you own everything and you enjoy all the benefits. If you are passionate about something, you can create your own world and this will be viewed everyday by whole world.

You can start writing your blogs with, which is completely free. When you feel you need to now move on to your own website and can afford maintaining it, then you can easily transfer the content from there to your own website.

5. Become a Teacher for something you know:
One of my friend who is a Electronics Engineers, has good knowledge into Digital Techniques and Applications. He is expert in what he is doing and working for a MNC company. He spends his freetime, during the weekends, saturday and sunday for 2 to 4 hours conduting the Training classed for the Engineering Students. He earns about 15 to 20K per month, just from his weekends 2-4 hours of training classes. He says, he just spends his time on what he knows and loves and sharing  knowledge, Money comes on its way.

6. Earning from You Tube:
If you have any hobbies like dancing, cycling or anything you like or share the tips and tricks with the world. You Tube is the best way to create your own video and share the knowledge you have through your skills.
E.g., You like cycling, then you can create your own video about, what you should remember while going on long rides ? What tools you should carry while going on long rides ? What gear is must while going on long rides ? and more. There are few people out there who claim they earn about 1000$ per month with their youtube videos. Now, this depends on how interesting your topic and the video is.

7. Earn from your hobbies:
If you like doing Yoga, Gymming, Dancing you can turn this hobbies into earning. This can be done, by teaching someone who is in need of learning them. This way you enjoy doing what you do, while earning some income for you. One my friends enjoys morning Yoga, he does a private yoga teaching every alternate morning for 1-2 hrs and while living a healthy lifestye he earns somewhere aroung Rs. 6000 to Rs. 8000 per month.

8. Selling on eBay:
Everyone is familiar with eBay. We can sell anything on eBay. Even if you don't own any product, still you can sell it on eBay. There are various strategies which need to be considered while selling on eBay. You can check the website where you will find more details on How to Sell on eBay. Try this in your free time and start selling something.

9. Network Marketing:
Earning money through this method for everyone is little tough, as only 20% of your contacts turn out to be actually helpful to you. But if you are once sucessful in this business, you have no limit to success. You will have very high income, in short span of time. You can work as an affiliate member and recommend products to anyone you know. It can be through e-mail, facebook, linkedin, twitter or any other social media. Whenever someone buys your reffered product, you get the handsome commision with the affiliate programs.

You can look at many more different ways to earn money in india during the free time. You can spend 2 to 10 hours in a week and earn this extra money. If you are able to do something you love and is of your interest, you can increase your extra income easily.

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