Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What is a batch file ?

Batch file can contain a series of commands which can work on DOS, OS2 and Windows. The batch file can be edited in any notepad application. In short we can say batch file is a script file which contains series of commands, which can be executed by the cmd.exe or command line interpreter.

The batch file name extension can be .bat in DOS and Windows, .btm in specific shell command interpreters and also .cmd.

You can use the below steps to create a sample batch file.

1. If you are using Microsoft windows, open notepad application

2. Copy the below code in the notepad file:

@echo off
SET /p name="Enter your name: "
echo .
echo .
echo Your Name is %name%

3. Save this text file. After saving close the text file and rename the file extension from .txt to .bat

4. In my case i have saved it as check.bat

5. Double click on this file and it will open a dos window.

We just created a batch file, which asks us for the input and replies with the output. In similar way we can add series of questions and create a interactive batch file.

How the above code works ?

@echo off
This turns off the text which is not required to view, when running a command. e.g. the selected drive path. You can try changing the @echo off to @echo on to see the results.

SET /p name="Enter your name: "
Here we are asking the user to input his/her name. the Set /p command assigns the value of the input to a variable name.

echo .
echo .
Added above code just to create 2 lines, before the output line.

echo Your Name is %name%
Here we are showing the variable name value in the final output line. In order to read the variable by the code interpreter, we need to add % at start and end of the variable. In this case %name%

We added the Pause code, to pause the window from exiting or executing any other command. If we remove this, the DOS window will exit once we press enter after input line.

Thank you for reading.

Also see:
How to restart google chrome fast and improve system performance ?
WhatsApp launched Video Calling Feature
What is the best free software for video conversion ?
How to convert files into PDF ?
What are the few free must have apps in your system ?

Monday, November 21, 2016

How to restart google chrome fast and improve system performance ?

Most of the users use the Google Chrome as their default browser. While it is observed that, after opening multiple tabs in chrome browser, your chrome and the system slows down.

This is caused due to multiple ad-dons running in chrome and multiple pages open, eating up the system RAM (read only memory).

To make the system and chrome faster, the only solution comes to mind is uninstall the ad-dons or restart the chrome browser. which will free up the RAM space.

The way to restart chrome is to close the google chrome browser and open it from the desktop shortcut. Apart from this method, chrome has provided a special feature in the browser, to restart the chrome using the web url.

The url is to restart chrome is chrome://restart . Copy paste this url to your browsers address bard and hit enter, this will close the google chrome browser and re-open the same. The restart of the browser results in freeing up RAM space and making the system and browser faster.

This url can be added to the bookmarks and run whenever you feel the chrome or your system is slowing down.

To add this url to the chrome bookmark, please follow the below steps:
1. Open new tab in chrome browser
2.  Press Ctrl + D. This will open the below pop up window.

3. Click on Edit button. this will give you a below pop-up window.

4. Rename the Name of your choice (use your creativity:-)). In my case i have renamed the Name to RestartChrome.

5. Paste the copied url in the URL box. chrome://restart

6. Done

This URL can be now access from your bookmarks menu of the chrome and will give you a one click restart and start feature of Google Chrome to free up RAM space instantly.

Chrome has many other such features which can be very helpful. e,g. chrome://quit/ to close the chrome or chrome://bookmarks/ to view all bookmarks. To have a look at such similar features of chrome browser, copy paste the below url to the address bar.


In case you need to check how much space your chrome browser is taking in the system RAM, Right click on your task bar and click on Task Manager. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the task manager.

Once the task manager is open, go to Processes, Sort by Image Name and you can see the space consumed by Chrome.exe.

Thank you for reading.

Also read my posts on:
WhatsApp launched Video Calling Feature
What is the best free software for video conversion ?
How to convert files into PDF ?
What are the few free must have apps in your system ?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Pratapgadh - The fort of Strength and Glory

We visited pratapgadh in month of August 2015. There were light rain showers during out visit.

Enjoy the below images from our Journey to Pratpgadh, from Navi mumbai to Pratapgadh (near mahabaleshwar Satara)

On the way to Pratapgadh, early morning photo. Forgot to set date time in my old Olympus camera.
The properties of the images show incorrect dates.

Waterfalls were everywhere, while climbing the ghat toward's pratapgadh, as it was raining. It was a beautiful weather.

We were travelling by my cousins Tata Sumo. 3 couples and 2 children.

The greenery everywhere was awesome. It was stress relieving feeling and the environment was all filled with positive energy and fresh air.

While climbing the mountain the fog started building up, which gave a beautiful view of the road and hills.

My basic photography skills, trying with Tata Sumo and waterfall.

How to earn money through youtube ?

YouTube is a video sharing website, where everyone uploads , shares and views the videos. YouTube is one of the ways to earn money online. The only investment required to start this is Camera for recording and Software for editing videos.

Below are steps to create a YouTube account:
1. Create a account on YouTube
2. Start uploading your videos on YouTube
3. Create creative videos with your ideas, which will be interesting to people
4. You should not upload the copied videos from anywhere else, they should be unique and recorded by you
5. While uploading the videos, you need to categorize them and upload into different YouTube channels, e.g. business, health, entertainment etc.
6. There are many people who are earning 7 to 10 digits income from the YouTube videos

Below are few ways to start earning from YouTube videos:
1. YouTube partnering program:
This is the first method on which you partner with YouTube to earn money from your videos. You can check the terms and conditions from YouTube partner program online, which are country specific. Once people start to view your videos, YouTube starts posting advertisements on your videos, if the advertisements are viewed or clicked by users, you and YouTube get paid from the advertisers

a. Earn from Video Views:
YouTube partners can make $2 to $5 per 100 video views. The rate paid by YouTube depends on how popular your videos have become on the online channels. If your videos start becoming popular and you have more than million views, you can earn more than $2000+ on that videos.

b. People Subscribing to Your Channels:
If you keep creating creative content and uploading to the YouTube channels, you might attract people to subscribe to your videos. YouTube partner program will start paying you $0.05 for one subscriber. In this way if increasing popularity, gets you 10000 subscribers, you can get paid $500 + money.

c. Your YouTube Channel Views:
YouTube partnership program will provide you $0.01 per channel view and if your channel, which includes all videos gets 100000 views then you can get $1000 + money

2. Showing Direct Advertisements on your videos:
If you keep creating creative videos and uploading to your YouTube channel, you can become famous on YouTube, which will attract direct advertisers to you. Or you can directly approach advertising companies for showing advertisements on your YouTube videos.

3. You can advertise your own services or products:
If you are into business or services, you can show advertisements for your own business. This will help to promote your own business online.

There are several people there outside who are earning, $1000 + per month. If you are creative and if you can convert your hobbies into videos which can be uploaded to the YouTube channel, you too can definitely start earning $1000 + money online.

8 methods to make money by writing articles

As mentioned in my previous blog 9 ways to earn money in your freetime, this is one of the method writing articles online.

Below are few 8 methods to make money online, by wrting articles.

1. Blogger.com:
You can go to the Blogger.com and create your own website, with the url you choose. example: you want a website with name tips.com, you will get a website url as tips.blogspot.com. blogspot will be there in the url, as your website will be hosted on the blogger.com for free. This is a great platform for the people who want to earn by writing the articles online.

how to go ahead with this
a. Choose one of the area of your passion and interest and on which you can talk for hours untiringly
b. Create a blog website at www.blogger.com
c. Start writing the articles on regular basis. Make sure you write atleast 3-4 articles per week, which will ensure you have enough content on your website.
d. Advertise your blog on social networking sites, like Google+, facebook, Linkedin as this will divert the people traffic to your blog who might be interested in reading your content.
e. Once you have good traffic, you can check the various ways of making money from your blogger website.

Example: The money can come from the Adsense program run by the blogger.com itself. For more details about the earning check the website www.blogger.com.

2. Wordpress:
The www.wordpress.com is similar to the blogger.com. This is one more platform where you can be independent writer and earn money by writing online articles. Wrodpress will be very helpful to the experienced bloggers.

3. Squidoo:
The website www.squidoo.com provides you an online opprtunity to work and earn online. One of the sucessful ways to write the articles is to publish the latest and unique content. You can register on www.squidoo.com and start writing the articles you love.

4. Hub Pages:
The www.hubpages.com gives you a one more way to write articles and earn money online. It gives you multiples ways to earn money through Google Adsense, Amazon products, eBay.. and more.. You can register to www.hubpages.com and start writing the articles online.

5. Zujava:
The www.zujava.com is another website which pays you for writing articles online. There are two ways of earning money on zujava.com:

a. You need to write 3 articles after login to Zujava and request Zujava to review your articles. Once your articles are published, you start earning money.
b. The second method of earning money through this method is to refer your friend, and once he starts earning money, Zujava will pay 25% to you. For e.g., the friend you referred has earned Rs. 4000 in a month, you will get paid Rs. 1000 i.e. 25% of his earnings.

6. Constant-Content:
This is another website which pays you for writing unique articles. The earnings on this website depends on the number of downloads, as the downloads are paid downloads. If you have any unique articles, then the earnings can be great. For this register at www.constant-content.com and start writing online articles.

7. Edit Fast:
The edit fast website is the one which offers you $10 for every article you submit, for the list of categories mentioned on their website. Register at http://editfast.com/english/editjobs.htm?register=REGISTER to start writing your articles.

8. Expert Columns:
On the www.expertcolumns.com website you can publish the articles and start earnning money. There is one important thing to note about this website, the earnings do not come from Adsense i.e. click to pay. Your payment completely depends on how many pageviews you get. To start earning online register at www.expertcolumns.com.

9 ways to earn money in your Free time

1. Create your own products :
Creating your own product in your free time is a great way to earn extra money. And who knows that extra might become your full time income. To give you an example on this, on of my friend did s short term course on how to create chocolates at home. Then he actually started creating and selling the chocolates on streets. In past 3 years, he has grown his business in good amounts, i.e., he has his own branded 3 chocolate shops and growing more.

2. Work as an Advisor:
If you have a specific knowlegde, in which you are expert, then you can start working as an Advisor to different companies. E.g. There are many companies which hire financial, technical advisors. Which are well paid for the advise they provide with the knowledge they bring in the company.

3. Write Online Articles :
If you are familiar with the subject on which you can write, you can spend 3-5 hours a week to write 2-3 articles per week. For this, you need to write it with great interest and passion. There are various platforms, where you can write articles and earn money. Some of them are Squidoo, Hubpages etc.

4. Create your own blog or website:
You can set-up your own blog or website, if you are ready to spend some money to maintain it anually. On this blog, you can write any posts or articles of your interest. As compared to writing articles on others websites is different from wrtiting articles on your own website or blog, as here you are the only one for everything i.e., from bringing ideas, to writing content, maintaining website and everything releated to it.
Her you own everything and you enjoy all the benefits. If you are passionate about something, you can create your own world and this will be viewed everyday by whole world.

You can start writing your blogs with Blogger.com, which is completely free. When you feel you need to now move on to your own website and can afford maintaining it, then you can easily transfer the content from there to your own website.

5. Become a Teacher for something you know:
One of my friend who is a Electronics Engineers, has good knowledge into Digital Techniques and Applications. He is expert in what he is doing and working for a MNC company. He spends his freetime, during the weekends, saturday and sunday for 2 to 4 hours conduting the Training classed for the Engineering Students. He earns about 15 to 20K per month, just from his weekends 2-4 hours of training classes. He says, he just spends his time on what he knows and loves and sharing  knowledge, Money comes on its way.

6. Earning from You Tube:
If you have any hobbies like dancing, cycling or anything you like or share the tips and tricks with the world. You Tube is the best way to create your own video and share the knowledge you have through your skills.
E.g., You like cycling, then you can create your own video about, what you should remember while going on long rides ? What tools you should carry while going on long rides ? What gear is must while going on long rides ? and more. There are few people out there who claim they earn about 1000$ per month with their youtube videos. Now, this depends on how interesting your topic and the video is.

7. Earn from your hobbies:
If you like doing Yoga, Gymming, Dancing you can turn this hobbies into earning. This can be done, by teaching someone who is in need of learning them. This way you enjoy doing what you do, while earning some income for you. One my friends enjoys morning Yoga, he does a private yoga teaching every alternate morning for 1-2 hrs and while living a healthy lifestye he earns somewhere aroung Rs. 6000 to Rs. 8000 per month.

8. Selling on eBay:
Everyone is familiar with eBay. We can sell anything on eBay. Even if you don't own any product, still you can sell it on eBay. There are various strategies which need to be considered while selling on eBay. You can check the website ebay.com where you will find more details on How to Sell on eBay. Try this in your free time and start selling something.

9. Network Marketing:
Earning money through this method for everyone is little tough, as only 20% of your contacts turn out to be actually helpful to you. But if you are once sucessful in this business, you have no limit to success. You will have very high income, in short span of time. You can work as an affiliate member and recommend products to anyone you know. It can be through e-mail, facebook, linkedin, twitter or any other social media. Whenever someone buys your reffered product, you get the handsome commision with the affiliate programs.

You can look at many more different ways to earn money in india during the free time. You can spend 2 to 10 hours in a week and earn this extra money. If you are able to do something you love and is of your interest, you can increase your extra income easily.

Few things that students need to know about Money

Very few high school students are financially literate. Many students have to learn tough lessons, when they step into their adult life, with the finances. While, personal finance might be a overwhelming subject to learn, so many students have developed many misunderstandings about money.

Below are the few misunderstandings

1. They cannot afford the college costs :
Most of the students are aware of the year on year increase in the college costs. Due to the increase in the college costs they try to skip the colleges and step out in the world to start earning. But they don't realize that, stepping out costs them more than completing the college and bearing the costs. As, after completing the college the work you get to earn will cover the costs you invested for college in the first year itself.

2. A person can save the amount which is left at the end of month :
It is never going to happen, that anything is left over at the end of the month. As money, always gets spent on something, if it is sitting there in your account. The money can only be saved, if it is directly transferred to some saving account or Fixed deposit or Recurring Deposit at the beginning of the month.

3. Budgeting is not for me :
The students who think budgeting is not for them, end up spending always more than their budget. While, at the end they start acquiring debt even before they start earning. Budgeting is important, as even small expenses can add up and can get you in big troubles.

4. Credit Cards are Bad :
Now this completely depends on you. If you are not able to control the spending done by the credit card, you should not own one. You can start with a credit card to borrow not more than 30 percent of the credit limit in each billing cycle and always pay the balance in full and on time.

5. All debts are bad debts :
Borrowing now to improve yourself will not be a bad idea. Students can go for education loans up to the amount which should not exceed the first year earnings of their first job. This will help them to achieve more in their education career.